七月 16, 2016 4:42:18 下午 org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init信息: The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production environments was not found on the java.library.path: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\jre\bin;C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_60/bin/../jre/bin/server;C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_60/bin/../jre/bin;C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_60/bin/../jre/lib/amd64;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\2.0\bin\x86;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\2.0\bin\x64;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\nodejs;E:\software\apache-maven-3.1.0-bin\apache-maven-3.1.0\bin;E:\software\gradle-2.7\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd;C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\博客\20160410\android\android-sdk-windows\tools;E:\software\apache-ant-1.9.7-bin\apache-ant-1.9.7\bin;C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm;E:\安装包\学习软件\eclipse-jee-mars-1-win32-x86_64\eclipse;;.七月 16, 2016 4:42:41 下午 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init信息: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080七月 16, 2016 4:45:01 下午 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load信息: Initialization processed in 190850 ms七月 16, 2016 4:45:07 下午 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start信息: Starting service Catalina七月 16, 2016 4:45:07 下午 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start信息: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/@VERSION@七月 16, 2016 4:45:12 下午 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor信息: Deploying configuration descriptor host-manager.xml七月 16, 2016 4:45:17 下午 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDescriptor信息: Deploying configuration descriptor manager.xml七月 16, 2016 4:45:18 下午 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory信息: Deploying web application directory docs七月 16, 2016 4:45:19 下午 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory信息: Deploying web application directory examples七月 16, 2016 4:45:21 下午 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log信息: ContextListener: contextInitialized()七月 16, 2016 4:45:21 下午 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log信息: SessionListener: contextInitialized()七月 16, 2016 4:45:21 下午 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory信息: Deploying web application directory ROOT七月 16, 2016 4:47:47 下午 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start信息: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080七月 16, 2016 4:48:36 下午 org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init信息: JK: ajp13 listening on /七月 16, 2016 4:48:44 下午 org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start信息: Jk running ID=0 time=7967/16219 config=null七月 16, 2016 4:49:07 下午 org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start信息: Server startup in 243017 ms
七月 16, 2016 4:47:47 下午 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start信息: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080七月 16, 2016 4:48:36 下午 org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init信息: JK: ajp13 listening on /七月 16, 2016 4:48:44 下午 org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start信息: Jk running ID=0 time=7967/16219 config=null
1 public static void main(String args[]) { 2 3 if (daemon == null) { 4 daemon = new Bootstrap(); 5 try { 6 daemon.init(); 7 } catch (Throwable t) { 8 t.printStackTrace(); 9 return;10 }11 }12 13 try {14 String command = "start";15 if (args.length > 0) {16 command = args[args.length - 1];17 }18 19 if (command.equals("startd")) {20 args[args.length - 1] = "start";21 daemon.load(args);22 daemon.start();23 } else if (command.equals("stopd")) {24 args[args.length - 1] = "stop";25 daemon.stop();26 } else if (command.equals("start")) {27 daemon.setAwait(true);28 daemon.load(args);29 daemon.start();30 } else if (command.equals("stop")) {31 daemon.stopServer(args);32 } else {33 log.warn("Bootstrap: command \"" + command + "\" does not exist.");34 }35 } catch (Throwable t) {36 t.printStackTrace();37 }38 39 }
Catalina.load方法中一个很重要的方法就是createStartDigester,完成的工作是根据conf/server.xml文件中的数据,将相应的元素转化 为对象,将元素中的属性转化为生成对象的属性,并且理清楚各个元素之间的关联关系。比如server.xml文件中最外层的元素是server,server中包含了子节点service,而在这个service里面又有很多元素节点如Connector、Engie、Host等等,这是他们之间的关系。简单说就是先定义一个规则,好让后面在实际解析这个xml文件的时候有章可循。
1 public void begin(Attributes attributes) throws Exception { 2 Service svc = (Service)digester.peek(); 3 Executor ex = null; 4 if ( attributes.getValue("executor")!=null ) { 5 ex = svc.getExecutor(attributes.getValue("executor")); 6 } 7 Connector con = new Connector(attributes.getValue("protocol")); 8 if ( ex != null ) _setExecutor(con,ex); 9 10 digester.push(con);11 }
1 811 12 18 22 27 28 29
1 public Connector(String protocol) 2 throws Exception { 3 setProtocol(protocol); 4 // Instantiate protocol handler 5 try { 6 Class clazz = Class.forName(protocolHandlerClassName); 7 this.protocolHandler = (ProtocolHandler) clazz.newInstance(); 8 } catch (Exception e) { 9 log.error10 (sm.getString11 ("coyoteConnector.protocolHandlerInstantiationFailed", e));12 }13 }
1 public void setProtocol(String protocol) { 2 3 if (AprLifecycleListener.isAprAvailable()) { 4 if ("HTTP/1.1".equals(protocol)) { 5 setProtocolHandlerClassName 6 ("org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol"); 7 } else if ("AJP/1.3".equals(protocol)) { 8 setProtocolHandlerClassName 9 ("org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpAprProtocol");10 } else if (protocol != null) {11 setProtocolHandlerClassName(protocol);12 } else {13 setProtocolHandlerClassName14 ("org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11AprProtocol");15 }16 } else {17 if ("HTTP/1.1".equals(protocol)) {18 setProtocolHandlerClassName19 ("org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol");20 } else if ("AJP/1.3".equals(protocol)) {21 setProtocolHandlerClassName22 ("org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler");23 } else if (protocol != null) {24 setProtocolHandlerClassName(protocol);25 }26 }27 28 }
1 // ------------------------------------------------------------ Constructor 2 3 public Http11Protocol() { 4 setSoLinger(Constants.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_LINGER); 5 setSoTimeout(Constants.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); 6 //setServerSoTimeout(Constants.DEFAULT_SERVER_SOCKET_TIMEOUT); 7 setTcpNoDelay(Constants.DEFAULT_TCP_NO_DELAY); 8 } 9 10 11 // ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fields12 13 protected Http11ConnectionHandler cHandler = new Http11ConnectionHandler(this);14 protected JIoEndpoint endpoint = new JIoEndpoint();
1 public void init() 2 throws Exception { 3 4 if (initialized) 5 return; 6 7 // Initialize thread count defaults for acceptor 8 if (acceptorThreadCount == 0) { 9 acceptorThreadCount = 1;10 }11 if (serverSocketFactory == null) {12 serverSocketFactory = ServerSocketFactory.getDefault();13 }14 if (serverSocket == null) {15 try {16 if (address == null) {17 serverSocket = serverSocketFactory.createSocket(port, backlog);18 } else {19 serverSocket = serverSocketFactory.createSocket(port, backlog, address);20 }21 } catch (BindException orig) {22 String msg;23 if (address == null)24 msg = orig.getMessage() + ":" + port;25 else26 msg = orig.getMessage() + " " +27 address.toString() + ":" + port;28 BindException be = new BindException(msg);29 be.initCause(orig);30 throw be;31 }32 }33 //if( serverTimeout >= 0 )34 // serverSocket.setSoTimeout( serverTimeout );35 36 initialized = true;37 38 }
七月 16, 2016 7:03:06 下午 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init信息: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
1 public void start() { 2 3 if (getServer() == null) { 4 load(); 5 } 6 7 if (getServer() == null) { 8 log.fatal("Cannot start server. Server instance is not configured."); 9 return;10 }11 12 long t1 = System.nanoTime();13 14 // Start the new server15 if (getServer() instanceof Lifecycle) {16 try {17 ((Lifecycle) getServer()).start();18 } catch (LifecycleException e) {19 log.error("Catalina.start: ", e);20 }21 }22 23 long t2 = System.nanoTime();24 if(log.isInfoEnabled())25 log.info("Server startup in " + ((t2 - t1) / 1000000) + " ms");26 27 try {28 // Register shutdown hook29 if (useShutdownHook) {30 if (shutdownHook == null) {31 shutdownHook = new CatalinaShutdownHook();32 }33 Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownHook);34 35 // If JULI is being used, disable JULI's shutdown hook since36 // shutdown hooks run in parallel and log messages may be lost37 // if JULI's hook completes before the CatalinaShutdownHook()38 LogManager logManager = LogManager.getLogManager();39 if (logManager instanceof ClassLoaderLogManager) {40 ((ClassLoaderLogManager) logManager).setUseShutdownHook(41 false);42 }43 }44 } catch (Throwable t) {45 // This will fail on JDK 1.2. Ignoring, as Tomcat can run46 // fine without the shutdown hook.47 }48 49 if (await) {50 await();51 stop();52 }53 54 }
首先执行到((Lifecycle) getServer()).start()的时候会进入StandarServer执行start方法。
1 public void start() throws LifecycleException { 2 3 // Validate and update our current component state 4 if (started) { 5 log.debug(sm.getString("standardServer.start.started")); 6 return; 7 } 8 9 // Notify our interested LifecycleListeners10 lifecycle.fireLifecycleEvent(BEFORE_START_EVENT, null);11 12 lifecycle.fireLifecycleEvent(START_EVENT, null);13 started = true;14 15 // Start our defined Services16 synchronized (services) {17 for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) {18 if (services[i] instanceof Lifecycle)19 ((Lifecycle) services[i]).start();20 }21 }22 23 // Notify our interested LifecycleListeners24 lifecycle.fireLifecycleEvent(AFTER_START_EVENT, null);25 26 }
- 该方法唤醒所有LifecycleListeners,具体实现在LifeCycleSupport.fireLifecycleEvent中,包括NamingContextListener、AprLifecycleListener、JasperListener、JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener、ServerLifecycleListener和GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener。
- 通过循环遍历,启动所有的serivces。这里我们看看StandardService的start方法实现:
1 public void start() throws LifecycleException { 2 3 // Validate and update our current component state 4 if (started) { 5 if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { 6 log.info(sm.getString("standardService.start.started")); 7 } 8 return; 9 }10 11 if( ! initialized )12 init(); 13 14 // Notify our interested LifecycleListeners15 lifecycle.fireLifecycleEvent(BEFORE_START_EVENT, null);16 if(log.isInfoEnabled())17 log.info(sm.getString("standardService.start.name", this.name));18 lifecycle.fireLifecycleEvent(START_EVENT, null);19 started = true;20 21 // Start our defined Container first22 if (container != null) {23 synchronized (container) {24 if (container instanceof Lifecycle) {25 ((Lifecycle) container).start();26 }27 }28 }29 30 synchronized (executors) {31 for ( int i=0; i
- line21~28用于递归启动Containers,大致的调用层次为:大致为Server.start->Service.start->StandarEngine.start->StandardHost.start->StandardPipeline.start
- line36~47用于启动Connetors,即如下图所示的两个connetors:
1 七月 16, 2016 7:30:50 下午 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start2 信息: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
1 七月 16, 2016 7:36:00 下午 org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init2 信息: JK: ajp13 listening on / 七月 16, 2016 7:36:16 下午 org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start4 信息: Jk running ID=0 time=33100/45405 config=null
- 为什么tomcat能够做到启动一个server就能够把存在其上面的serveices都启动,我想这应该是得益于LifeCycle机制,正如上篇所说,所有的组件都实现了LifeCycle的接口,说白了这就是java的面向接口编程的思想的应用,每个组件都实现了LifeCycle接口,而这个接口中具有了start方法,从而可以通过递归调用实现牵一发而动全身的效果;
- 我们对于Connetor和Container的初始化和启动的所有信息都是来源于配置文件,我们把这些可以灵活配置的信息放到了server.xml文件中,这样下次如果我们想换个端口就可以直接改在文件中,而不需要动代码,这也是降低了代码的耦合性;
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